Archive for আগষ্ট 2014

The Story of Zam Zam water

30 আগষ্ট, 2014


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Hajar, the mother of Isma^il settled with her son where Ibrahim peace be upon him left them. She breast-fed him and drank from the water that Ibrahim had left for them. This water eventually ran out as the water container dried up. Consequently, Hajar became thirsty, and so did her son who started crying and became unsettled due to his extreme thirst. Hajar hated seeing him in that state and she set forth looking for water. As-Safa being the mountain closest to her, she climbed it and looked down at the valley to see if she could find anyone to assist her. She found no one and so she descended from the mountain until she reached the valley. Then she climbed Al-Marwah Mountain in keeping her search for water but to no avail. She went back to As-Safa then back again to Al-Marwah for many times. On her last arrival to Al-Marwah, she heard a voice which prompted her to call out: “Help, if you can”. There was Angel Jibril peace be upon him, who hit the ground with his wing until fresh and pure water emerged. That became known as Zamzam water. The mother of Isma^il gathered the water with her hands and collected it in her container while it was springing out. Jibril said: “Do not fear loss, for there is a sacred House here which will be built by this child and his father”, meaning Isma^il and his father Ibrahim peace be upon them both.

Hajar drank from Zamzam water quenching her thirst and breast-fed her son Isma^il. She thanked Allah, the One who endows countless bounties upon His slaves.

O Allah, we ask you to grant us Al-Hajj and Al-^Umrah and the visit of the Prophet peace be upon him, and we ask You Allah to make us amongst those who drink from his honourable hand at the Hawd. Amin.(courtesy-

Ibrahim (Abraham) – The Idolaters Try to Burn Abraham

26 আগষ্ট, 2014

Anger was burning in their hearts. They decided to throw Abraham into the biggest fire they could build. All the citizens were ordered to gather wood as a service to their gods. Ignorant, sick women vowed that if they were cured they would donate so much wood to burn Abraham. For several days they collected fuel.

They dug a deep pit, filled it with firewood and ignited it. They brought a catapult with which to cast Abraham into the fire. Abraham was put on the catapult, his hands and feet tied. The fire was ready with its flames reaching the sky. The people stood away from the pit because of the great heat. Then the chief priest gave his order to cast Abraham into the fire.

The angel Gabriel came near Abraham’s head and asked him: “0 Abraham, do you wish for anything?” Abraham replied: “Nothing from you.”

The catapult was shot, and Abraham was cast into the fire, but his descent into the blaze was as a descent on steps in a cool garden. The flames were still there, but they did not burn, for Allah the Almighty had issued His command: “0 fire! Be you coolness and safety for Abraham.” Surah 21: 69

The fire submitted to the will of Allah, becoming cool and safe for Abraham. It only burned his bonds, and he sat in the midst of the fire as if he were sitting in a garden. He glorified and praised Allah the Almighty, with a heart that contained only his love for Allah. There was not any vacant space therein for fear, awe, or worry. It was filled with love only.

Fear and awe were dead, and the fire was turned into coolness, making the air pleasant. Those who love Allah as Abraham did do not fear.

– See more at:

Ibrahim (Abraham) – The Idolaters Question Abraham

26 আগষ্ট, 2014

When the people returned, they were shocked to see their gods smashed to pieces, lying scattered all over the temple. They began to guess who had done that to their idols, and Abraham’s name came to their minds.

Allah the Almighty said: They said: “Who has done this to our aliah (gods)? He must indeed be one of the wrongdoers.” They said: “We heard a young man talking (against) them who is called Abraham.” They said: “Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may testify.” They said: “Are you the one who has done this to our gods, 0 Abraham?” (Abraham) said: “Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it. Ask them, if they can speak!”

So they turned to themselves and said: “Verily, you are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers).” Then they turned to themselves (their first thought and said). “Indeed you (Abraham) know well that these (idols) speak not!” (Abraham) said: “Do you then worship besides Allah, things that can neither profit you, nor harm you? Fie upon you, and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Have you then no sense?” Surah 21: 59-67

Furious, they demanded that Abraham be arrested and tried. Abraham did not resist. This was precisely what he had been aiming for, so that he could show them up in public for their foolish beliefs.

At the trial they asked him if he was responsible for breaking the idols. Smiling, he told them to ask the biggest idol, which was still whole. He told them that he must be the culprit! They replied that he knew well that the idol could not speak or move, which gave Abraham the chance to prove the foolishness of worshipping these lifeless objects.

They then realized the senselessness of their beliefs; however, their arrogance would not allow them to admit their foolishness. All they could do was use their power of authority – as tyrants usually do – to punish Abraham. They kept him in chains and planned their revenge.

– See more at:

Ibrahim (Abraham) – Hadith About Abraham , Sarah, and Hajar

26 আগষ্ট, 2014



Abu Hurairah narrated that Abraham did not tell a lie except on three occasions, twice for the sake of Allah (Exalted and Almighty) when he said: “I am sick,” (when his people were holding a festival in honor of their gods, Abraham excused himself by saying he was sick; see Surah 37: 89), and when he said: “(I have not done this but) the big idol has done it.” The (third was) that while Abraham and Sarah (his wife) were going (on a journey), they passed by (the territory of) a tyrant. Someone said to the tyrant: ‘This man (i.e., Abraham ) is accompanied by a very charming lady.” So, he sent for Abraham and asked him about Sarah saying: “Who is this lady?” Abraham said: “She is my sister.”

Abraham went to Sarah and said: “0 Sarah! There are no believers on the surface of the earth except you and me. This man asked me about you and I have told him that you are my sister, do not contradict my statement.” The tyrant then called Sarah, and when she went to him, he tried to take hold of her with his hand, but (his hand got stiff and) he was confounded. He asked Sarah: “Pray to Allah for me, and I shall not harm you.” So Sarah asked Allah to cure him and he got cured. He tried to take hold of her for the second time, but (his hand got as stiff as or stiffer than before and) he was more confounded. He again requested Sarah: “Pray to Allah for me, and I will not harm you.” Sarah asked Allah again, and he became all right. He then called one of his guards (who had brought her) and said: ‘You have not brought me a human being but have brought me a devil.”

The tyrant then gave Hajar as a maid servant to Sarah. Sarah came back (to Abraham) while he was praying. Abraham, gesturing with his hand, asked: “What has happened?” She replied: “Allah has spoiled the evil plot of the infidel (or immoral person) and gave me Hajar for service.” Abu Hurairah then addressed his listeners saying:’That (Hajar) was your mother, 0 Bani Ma-is-Sama (i.e., the Arab, the descendants of Ishmael, Hajar’s son).”

– See more at:,%20Sarah,%20and%20Hajar#sthash.eMS7Y54m.dpuf


25 আগষ্ট, 2014

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ZamZam Water: Scientific Research Findings

25 আগষ্ট, 2014


CLICK on PHOTO for photos:

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Research by Tariq Hussain, Riyadh, By MOINUDDIN AHMED
Come the Hajj season, and I am reminded of the wonders of Zamzam water.
Let me go back to how it all started. In 1971, an Egyptian doctor wrote to the European press, a letter saying that Zamzam water was not fit for drinking purposes. I immediately thought that this was just a form of prejudice against the Muslims and that since his statement was based on the assumption that since the Ka’aba was a shallow place (below sea level) and located in the center of the city of Makkah, the wastewater of the city collecting through the drains fell into the well holding the water.


Fortunately, the news came to King Faisal’s ears who got extremely angry and decided to disprove the Egyptian doctor’s provocative statement. He immediately ordered the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources to investigate and send samples of Zamzam water to European laboratories for testing the portability of the water.


The ministry then instructed the Jeddah Power and Desalination Plants to carry out this task. It was here that I was employed as a desalting engineer (chemical engineer to produce drinking water from sea water). I was chosen to carry out this assignment. At this stage, I remember that I had no idea what the well holding the water looked like. I went to Makkah and reported to the authorities at the Ka’aba explaining my purpose of visit.


They deputed a man to give me whatever help was required. When we reached the well, it was hard for me to believe that a pool  of water, more like a small pond, about 18 by 14 feet, was the well that supplied millions of gallons of water every year to hajis ever since it came into existence at the time of Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S.)many, many centuries ago.


I started my investigations and took the dimensions of the well. I asked the man to show me the depth of the well. First he took a shower and descended into the water. Then he straightened his body. I saw that the water level came up to just above his shoulders. His height was around five feet, eight inches. He then started moving from one corner to the other in the well (standing all the while since he was not allowed to dip his head into the water) in search of any inlet or pipeline inside the well to see from where the water came in. However, the man reported that he could not find any inlet or pipeline inside the well.


I thought of another idea. The water could be withdrawn rapidly with the help of a big transfer pump which was installed at the well for the Zamzam water storage tanks.


In this way, the water level would drop enabling us to locate the point of entry of the water. Surprisingly, nothing was observed during the pumping period, but I knew that this was the only method by which you could find the entrance of the water to the well.


So I decided to repeat the process. But this time I instructed the man to stand still at one place and carefully observe any unusual thing happening inside the well.
After a while, he suddenly raised his hands and shouted, “Alhamdullillah! I have found it. The sand is dancing beneath my feet as the water oozes out of the bed of the well.”
Then he moved around the well during the pumping period and noticed the same phenomenon everywhere in the well. Actually the flow of water into the well through the bed was equal at every point, thus keeping the level of the water steady.
After I finished my observations I took the samples of the water for European laboratories to test.


Before I left the Ka’aba Sharief, I asked the authorities about the other wells around Makkah.
I was told that these wells were mostly dry. When I  reached my office in Jeddah. I reported my  findings to my boss who listened with great interest but made a very  irrational comment that the Zamzam well could be internally connected to the Red Sea. How was it  possible when Makkah is  about 75 kilometres away from the sea and the wells  located before the city usually remains dry?


The results of the water samples tested by the European laboratories and the one We analysed in our own laboratory were found to be almost identical.


The difference between Zamzam water and other water (city water) was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water refreshes tired hajis.


But more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.


Moreover, the remarks of the European laboratories showed that the water was fit for drinking.
Hence the statement made by the Egyptian doctor was proved false. When this was reported to King Faisal he was extremely pleased and ordered the contradiction of the report in the European Press. In a way, it was a blessing that this study was undertaken to show the chemical composition of the water.


In fact, the more you explore, the more wonders surface and you find yourself believing implicitly in the miracles of this water that Allah Ta’ala bestowed as a gift on the faithful coming from far and wide to the desert land for pilgrimage.


Let me sum up some of the features of Zamzam water:
Never Dried Up:This well has never dried up. On the contrary it has always fulfilled the demand for water.
Same Salt composition:It has always maintained the same salt composition and taste ever since it came into existence.
Portability:Its portability has always been universally recognised as pilgrims from all  over the world  visit Ka’aba every year for Hajj and umrah, but  have never omplained about it. Instead, they  have always enjoyed the water that refreshes them.
Universal taste:Water tastes different at different places. Zamzam water’s appeal has always been universal.
No Biological Growth:This water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated as is the case with water pumped into the cities.Biological growth and vegetation usually takes place in most wells. This makes the water unpalatable owing to the growth of algae causing taste and odour problems. But in the case of the Zamzam water well, there wasn’t any sign of  biological growth.


Centuries ago, Bibi Hajra A.S. searched desperately for water in the hills of  Saffa and Marwa to give to her newly born son Hazrat Ismail A.S. As she ran from one place to another in search of water, her child rubbed his feet against the sand. A pool of water surfaced, and by the grace of  Allah Ta’ala, shaped itself into a well  which came to be called Zamzam water.
{ May we appreciate and utilize this great Ni’mah of Allah Ta’ala}
 Research by Tariq Hussain, Riyadh, By MOINUDDIN AHMED

Mineral concentration
as reported by researchers at King Saud University[8]
mineral concentration
mg/L oz/cu in
Sodium 133 7.7×10−5
Calcium 96 5.5×10−5
Magnesium 38.88 2.247×10−5
Potassium 43.3 2.50×10−5
Bicarbonate 195.4 0.0001129
Chloride 163.3 9.44×10−5
Fluoride 0.72 4.2×10−7
Nitrate 124.8 7.21×10−5
Sulfate 124.0 7.17×10−5
Total dissolved alkalinity 835 0.000483




Ur, Iraq

25 আগষ্ট, 2014


Situated near the town of Nasiriya, about 365 km south of Baghdad, Ur, which means a city in the Sumerian and Akkadian languages, is one of Iraq’s most imposing ancient sites. It was the capital of the ancient civilization of Sumeria.

The massive and impressive ziggurat of Nanna

This city, which is mentioned several times in the Bible as Ur of the Chaldees (referring to the Chaldeans, whom settled in the area about 900 BC) as the birthplace of Prophet Abraham “Ibrahim Al-Khalil” (pbuh), was one of the most important cities of the Sumerians in the 4th and the 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC. It was also considered as one of the most active and full of life cities in southern Mesopotamia during the following centuries. In former days it stood on the banks of the Euphrates, until the river changed its course.

Ur was the principal center of worship of the Sumerian moon god Nanna and of his Babylonian equivalent Sin. The massive and impressive ziggurat of this deity, one of the best preserved in Iraq, and one of the most famous historical monuments in the World, stands about 21 m above the desert.

Ur was one of the first village settlements founded (circa 4000 BC) by the so-called Ubaidian inhabitants of Sumer. Before 2800 BC, Ur became one of the most prosperous Sumerian city-states. According to ancient records, Ur had 3 dynasties of rulers who, at various times, extended their control over all of Sumer.

Votive Vase of Dark Gray Steatite, with Bas-relief Figures of Bulls and Ear of Corns (early 3rd millennium BC)Cuneiform Writing of Stamp of Nabuchednezzar II

The founder of the First Dynasty of Ur was the conqueror and temple builder Mesanepada (reigned about 2670 BC), the earliest Mesopotamian ruler described in extant contemporary documents. His son Aanepadda (reigned about 2650 BC) built the temple of the goddess Ninhursag, which was excavated in modern times at Tell Al-Obeid, about 8 km north east of the site of Ur.

Ur was captured about 2340 BC by King Sargon of Agade, and this era, called the Akkadian period, marks an important step in the blending of Sumerian and Semitic cultures. After this dynasty came a long period of which practically nothing is known except that a 2nd dynasty rose and fell.

Ur-Nammu (reigned 2113-2095 BC), the first king of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur, who revived the empire of Sumer and Akkad, won control of the outlet to the sea about 2100 BC and made Ur the wealthiest city in Mesopotamia. His reign marked the beginning of the so-called renaissance of Sumerian art and literature at Ur.

Ur-Nammu, who wrote the first law in history, which contained 31 legal paragraphes, and who built the great walls of Ur ‘as high as a shining mountain’, and his son and successor Shulgi (reigned 2095-2047 BC) both built the great ziggurat of Nanna (about 2100 BC) that has stood throughout the centuries, and magnificent temples at Ur and in other Mesopotamian cities. The descendants of Ur-Nammu continued in power for more than a century, or until shortly before 2000 BC, when the Elamites captured Ibbi-Sin (reigned 2029-2004 BC), king of Ur, and destroyed the city.

Terracotta Figurine Representing the Mother-Goddess (Ubaid-Period, early 4th millennium BC)The famous Golden Harp of Ur

Rebuilt shortly thereafter, Ur became part of the kingdom of Isin, later of the kingdom of Larsa, and finally was incorporated into Babylonia. During the period when Babylonia was ruled by the Kassites, Ur remained an important religious center. It was a provincial capital with hereditary governors during the period of Assyrian rule in Babylonia.

After the Chaldean dynasty was established in Babylonia, King Nebuchadnezzar II initiated a new period of building activity at Ur. The last Babylonian king, Nabonidus (reigned 556-539 BC), who appointed his eldest daughter high priestess at Ur, embellished the temples and entirely remodeled the ziggurat of Nanna increasing its height to 7 stages, making it rival even the temple of Marduk at Babylon.

After Babylonia came under the control of Persia, Ur began to decline. By the 4th century BC, the city was practically forgotten, possibly as a result of a shift in the course of the Euphrates River.


Brief introduction to Quran

11 আগষ্ট, 2014


[Brief introduction to Quran:- God has given us several Books of guidance through the years. Each Book essentially contained the same fundamental message as the previous Books. Mankind was expected to guard these Books from harm, but unfortunately failed to live up to this expectation. Many of the Books were edited and tampered with, destroying its authenticity. This is partly why God kept sending us more revelations.

However, almost 1400 years ago, God sent us another Book, named the Quran, with the same basic message as the earlier ones, but with a small but very important difference. This time, God decreed that this Book would be the last Book sent down to us because God would protect it Himself. Regarding this Final Book, God said, “Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high this reminder: and behold, it is We who shall truly guard it” [15:9]

Today, if we compare the 114 chapters in every copy of this Final Book with each other, we will find they match perfectly word for word – from the oldest copies made 1300-plus years ago to the ones printed just a few hours ago. No human hand has changed it.

When God appoints a Prophet he also gives him some clear signs or a miracle to convince his people that he is indeed the Prophet of God. For example, Moses (Peace be upon him) was given a wand which when dropped would become a snake (20:19) Or for Jesus (Peace be upon him) the ability to give life to a dead person in certain occasions (5:110) etc. These miracles are only evident only during the lifetime of that Prophet. But, for a prophet who God has decided to be the Last Prophet has to be given a miracle which a generation can pass on to the next and so on until the end of world. That is The Holy Quran. It was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) during his 23 years of Prophethood. Quran in its Arabic form is unchallenged in its rhythm and beauty. Smallest chapter of the Quran contains only 3 sentences where as largest chapter spans 1/15 th of the whole Quran. Quran challenges to those who disbelieve in it to produce a single chapter comparable to it (2:23,17:88). More than 1400 years have passed since Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) and the challenge of Quran still remains. We also find in the Quran many scientific facts that are established only in recent centuries.

“We will soon show them our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?”-41:53

Any translation of the Quran cannot be equated with the Quran in its original Arabic form. But it is only a means to give a glimpse of the Quran to those unfamiliar with Arabic language. Many of the verses can be understood directly but certain verses can be understood only by knowing the historical and other related background. Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s commentary is included at the end of the verses where available. If possible, readers have to refer to other popular commentaries as well. Readers are urged to study the Quran in Arabic in order to appreciate its true beauty.

Yusuf Ali’s Quran Translation]